

Resultado de imagen de grey hacker
We are going to show you some commands to introduce you
to hacking.

Resultado de imagen de white hacker

  • Firstly different types of hackers:
    White hats are good people for example 'Chema Alonso'.

  • Resultado de imagen de grey hacker
      Grey hat maybe help people but often can do illegal things.

      Black hats are the worst of them all. They like to hack into big companies and the worst things you can imagine.
      Resultado de imagen de black hat

      If you alresdy know what is Linux then you might be interested in Kali Linux. This Linux is a penetration testing software. You can do all types of things with it...like hacking someones webcam,but thats more advanced and you need permition of the victim otherwise the police can go to your house and ask for an explanation.
       Then there are a load of hacking tools you can find on internet like: wireshark,putty and lots more.
       If you got a Windows that comes with a crappy hacking tool which it isn't realy. This is called CMD.
       Then this will appear.
      Now you are ready.
      Try typing in 'ipconfig' scroll down and find ipv4 these numbers show you your location.
       Now if you are running a Windows 7 system try this.
      Type in 'net view'.as I am running Windows 10 it gives me an error but you can try it. This will give you the people that are connected to your network.

      Then if you type in 'netsh wlan show profiles' it will show you
      all the different wifi routers that your pc has been connected to.

      Know you can know write this: 'netsh wlan show profiles (the wifi network that you choose) key=clear' Then scroll down and you will see the password.